The average house price on UPPER GREENSIDE is £1,250,255
The most expensive house in the street is THE WILLOW UPPER GREENSIDE with an estimated value of £1,651,496
The cheapest house in the street is 4 UPPER GREENSIDE with an estimated value of £901,442
The house which was most recently sold was 4 UPPER GREENSIDE, this sold on 17 Jun 2016 for £670,000
The postcode for UPPER GREENSIDE is HD4 6XA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 UPPER GREENSIDE Detached £901,442 £670,000 17 Jun 2016
THE SWALLOWS UPPER GREENSIDE Semi-Detached £1,197,828 £240,000 31 Oct 1997
THE WILLOW UPPER GREENSIDE Detached £1,651,496 £695,000 17 Jun 2003